Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The higher Z, the stronger the effect of light scattering present in the supernova images. Supernova at Z=3.6 looks gigantic.

 James Webb Space Telescope is continuing to break all the records and now it shows  excellent images of far supernovae. As it is already described in this blog (see previous posts) and in the publications [1] the effect of light scattering is more and more pronounced. Recent discovery of the far supernova at Z=3.6 [2] emphasizes the effect very clearly - the supernova visible angular size is now comparable to the size of galaxy where it originated. Picture is taken from [2]

Compare to usual visual size of the supernovae at small Z, where they are close to the diffraction limit of the telescope this supernova has an enormous visual size of 1.05*10exp(-6) radian, while the diffraction limit of JWST for this wavelength of 2 um (F200W filter) is 0.3*10exp(-7) radian, more than 3 times smaller compare to point source object angular size. 

As it was calculated before in this blog, any supernova at maximum brightness (and usually they are found at around this moment) must be the point object (and especially at high Z it is by no means may be resolved). The idea that supernova is "illuminating" part of the galaxy and has the larger angular size because of the light scattering inside the galaxy of origin is easily rejected by observing the close supernovae - they are exactly  a dot in the galaxy, no "illumination" of the galaxy is present (picture taken from [3])

Comparison of pictures taken from [2] and [3] clearly shows that while the close supernova has an angular size negligible compare to the size of galaxy or even the center of the galaxy, the far supernova has a gigantic angular size, the same as center of galaxy and close to the size of the host galaxy. By no means may be this phenomenon explained in simple terms. The angular resolution of the telescope itself was checked many times and for really feeble and small objects at z=0 (brown dwarfs at the outskirts of Milky Way [4]) it is precisely equal to the famous formula: α=λ/D, where α is diffraction limit of the telescope, λ is the wavelength (2 um in this case), D is the diameter of the mirror of the telescope (6.5 m for JWST), should be 3*10exp(-7) radian. Of course, for such big distances at Z=3.6 the angular size of the galaxy itself is also very small, but direct application of the resolution formula shows that the supernova must looks like this:

Observed deviation is present not only for supernovae but for all the objects which must be point objects for high Z. Below is the plot of angular sizes of the point-like objects as they are observed by JWST as a function of Z:

For Z in the range 4-10 the angular size of the center of the little red dots was taken (they have an active galactic nucleus in the center which should be point object, see [4]). For Z higher than 10 the center of galaxy observed is a point source already, the distance is too high. Despite the big scattering, it is clear that the point-like objects are observed with some angular size, what is confirming the idea that light is scattered at high Z. The curve is fit by the formula derived from tired light idea of multiple scatterings outlined in [5]. 

The explanation of such a phenomenon may be actually not involved really new physics - the far objects may be inevitably blurred by the presence of the microgravitational lensing (which also must influence the light curves for supernovae, see [6]). Another explanation is that there is no Big Bang at all, and the light is scattered due to multiple events of scatterings (when this number N is enormously large, say trillions, the energy drain - red shift- is proportional to N, but light scattering is proportional to sqrt(N), similar to diffusion equation, see [1,5] for derivation of the formula). Blurring of images is almost completely absent at Z~0 (well below diffraction limit of even future generations of telescopes) but finally observed because the light travelled enormous time (well above the life-time of the Sun!) and even extremely small effect is now clearly pronounced. This observation of light scattering is the strongest so far hint toward the presence of new physics (fifth force in the gap between electromagnetism and gravity) and in line with other hints outlined by author in his books [7,8]


1.D.S.Tipikin "Tired light hypothesis possibly got confirmation by direct observation of light scattering" // 2311.0060v1.pdf or https://vixra.org/pdf/2311.0060v1.pdf

2.D.A.Coulter, J.D.R.Pierel at all "Discovery of a likely Type II SN at Z=3.6 with JWST" // 2501.05513 or https://arxiv.org/pdf/2501.05513

3. Carlos Contreras at all "SN 2012fr: Ultraviolet, Optical and Near-Infrared Light Curves of a Type 1a Supernova Observed Within a Day of Explosion" // 1803.10095 or https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.10095

4.Tipikin: Little red dots and brown dwarfs – demonstration of the light scattering by point-like objects.

or https://tipikin.blogspot.com/2024/12/little-red-dots-and-brown-dwarfs.html

5.Tipikin: Two galaxies (z=3.4 and z=14.32) are close together on the JWST image - one is sharp, one is blurred. One more direct confirmation of light scattering.

or https://tipikin.blogspot.com/2024/08/two-galaxies-z34-and-z1432-are-close.html

6. D.S.Tipikin "Time-dilation for supernova in the case of tired light hypothesis" // 2411.0084v1.pdf

or https://vixra.org/pdf/2411.0084v1.pdf

7.D.S.Tipikin "The quest for new physics. An experimentalist approach" // 

2011.0172v1.pdf or https://vixra.org/pdf/2011.0172v1.pdf

8.D.S.Tipikin "The quest for new physics. An experimentalist approach. Vol.2" // 2212.0058v1.pdf  or https://vixra.org/pdf/2212.0058v1.pdf

Monday, December 9, 2024

Little red dots and brown dwarfs – demonstration of the light scattering by point-like objects.


Discovery of little red dots was an important step forward in understanding of the nature of the Universe. While the discussion of the nature of those little red dots is not yet finished, the consensus is that they are most probably not an exotic galaxies (or even other objects of completely unknown nature) but rather observed from very high distances quasars (active galactic nucleus) without clearly seen the rest of the galaxy [1]. The typical size of the AGN would be around 1 parsec [2], which is 3.26 light years. For the distance of 13 billions of light years (at least, in Big Bang Cosmology) for z above 4 the angular size at Earth would be only 3.26/13*10exp(9) = 2.5*10exp(-10) radian and well below the diffraction limit of James Web Space Telescope (3*10exp(-7) radian for wavelength of 2 um, filter F200W). This is clearly a point-like object for high z.

               Initial observations of the little red dots was found to be heavily contaminated by the brown dwarfs from the outskirts of Milky Way (those stars are not luminous and are not creating the usual projectile-like pictures on the image). Yet the presence of them on the same image as little red dots allows to compare directly the close and far point-like objects ( at a distance of 10 parsec even JWST can not resolve the star and it must be at diffraction limit of the telescope). The problem is that those point-like objects are looking differently on the image, one has much larger angular size compare to former.

Here is how brown dwarf looks like [3]:

The square is 2.4 arcsec each side and the size of 0.1” is also shown. The angular size of the brown dwarf for filter F115W is 0.058” or 2.8*10exp(-7) rad. For the center wavelength of 1.15 um the angular resolution (diffraction limit) of JWST would be 1.15 um/6.5 m=1.8*10exp(-7) rad. It is clearly seen that the angular size of brown dwarf is close to the diffraction limit of the telescope.

Here is how little red dots with Z=7.41 and 7.48 looks like for the same size of the squares 2.4” on one side [4]:

Even without any measurements it is clearly seen that those point-like objects are having much larger angular size (for the same filter F115W: 0.12” – 0.16”, 5.8-7.8*10exp(-7) rad, which is 3-4 times larger than the diffraction limit of the telescope).

               Those observations once again confirmed that JWST is working at full capacity – no problems with mirrors tuning or trembling because of small meteorites striking. The close point-like objects when they are very dim and not saturating the detector (projectiles for stars being photographed) are having the angular size exactly as expected. But very far point-like objects imaged at the same time are having much larger angular size. This is only possible if the light itself is scattered (this property is predicted for Tired Light Theory and completely impossible in Big Bang Cosmology). Despite this is not real disproof of Big Bang (because after all light may be scattered without loss of energy by unresolved Einstein crosses or some refraction phenomena for the light passing through invisible nebulae) it is a very strong hint toward direction of search for New Physics (beyond Einstein-Schrodinger and Standard Model) [5,6].


1.Gene C.K.Leung et all “Exploring the nature of little red dots: constraints on AGN and stellar contributions from PRIMER MIRI imaging” //Arxiv,  2411.12005 or https://arxiv.org/pdf/2411.12005

2. https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Glossary/Essay_krolik.html

3.Danial Langeroodi, Jens Hjorth “Little Red Dots or Brown Dwarfs? NIRSpec Discovery of Three Distant Brown Dwarfs Masquerading as NIRCam-selected Highly Reddened Active Galactic Nuclei” // The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 957:L27, 2023.


4.Ivo Labbe, Pieter van Dokkum, Erica Nelson at all “A population of red candidate massive galaxies ~600 Myr after the Big Bang” // Arxiv,  https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.12446

5.D.S.Tipikin “The quest for New Physics. An experimentalist approach. Vol.1” // https://vixra.org/pdf/2011.0172v1.pdf or https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353523212_The_quest_for_new_physics_An_experimentalist_approach

6.D.S.Tipikin “The quest for New Physics. An Experimentalist Approach. Vol.2” //

https://vixra.org/pdf/2212.0058v1.pdf or https://www.researchgate.net/publication/366067523_The_quest_for_new_physics_An_experimentalist_approach_Vol2_The_second_book_on_the_topic_with_emphasis_on_certain_ideas


Thursday, November 21, 2024

DESI and accelerated expansion of Universe - DESI results confirm the absence of accelerated expansion. Explanation - wrong interpretation of the results on supernovae.

     The idea of the absence of the dark energy as it was discovered in the last century using the data on supernovae brightness expressed in previous blogs [1,2] got unexpected confirmation from DESI - big collaborative project targeted the nearby galaxies (up to around z=3) [3]. Despite the author rejection of Big Bang together with "dark energy" being experimentalist I am more concerned in absolute accuracy of the interpretation of the experimental results and the famous Hubble curve which lead to discovery of the dark energy in last century [4] was wrongly interpreted from the very beginning (see [1]).

    Problem with interpretation of the brightness of the supernovae lies in the assumption of the absolute absence of new indiscovered yet properties of photons. In this case indeed the light scattering is absolutely impossible, the image of the far supenovae will be always at the diffraction limit of the telescope and the brightness of the image would be inversely proportional to the distance square. In this case any deviation of the brightness from established laws (dependence magnitude from red shift z) must be interpreted as some problems with space-time (thus the "discovery" of the "accelerated expansion"). But in reality the nature is by far reach than we may imagine, some new properties of photons are present and they lead to light scattering. This light scattering, invisible on Hubble images (resolution is too small) is readily seen by the JWST (much better resolution) and thus it lead to the spread of the circle of the image beyond the diffraction limit (and brightness is dimmer than it should be), see [1,2].

Despite I am personally think that the Big Bang is absent too, the tired light cosmology postulates that the red shift is extremely uniform with distance in the stationary Universe. So no problems with space-time is possible (no accelerated Z-shift in the neighborhood of Earth is possible). If instead of uniformity of expansion it is considered how z-shift behaves with distance I would completely agree with what DESI found - z-shift in far distances and near distances has exactly the same dependence on the distance - no "accelerated expansion of Universe".


1. D.S.Tipikin "Tired light hypothesis and "accelerated expansion of Universe" - no need for dark energy." 


Tipikin: May 2024

2.Tipikin: Light scattering observed on supernova type 1A - no "dark energy", the Hubble findings should be re-analysed.






Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Light scattering observed on supernova type 1A - no "dark energy", the Hubble findings should be re-analysed.

 In a recent publication [1] the only so far discovered by JWST supernova type 1A  at z=2.9 (confirmed by spectroscopy [2]) was successfully plotted on the famous plot magnitude versus red shift, well known from Hubble telescope time and considered as a proof of the discovery of the "dark energy" [3]. The plot is shown below:

The fact that this supernova fits so well the previous plot does not support the idea of "dark energy" or "accelerated expansion of Universe", but instead demonstrates that the original explanation of the deviation from straight line was completely wrong. This is not a space-time problem (the "expansion" rate changes), but much more trivial phenomenon - the light itself is not ideal and for billions of years of propagation (more than 10 billions for z>1) starts to be scattered a little. The visible angular size of the supernova type 1a (very standard one, all the properties are well known) is at least 6 times larger than it should be for point source (see [4]), well above any errors or uncertainties. 

Why this is so important is shown below:

The fact that high z supernovae with visibly clearly seen much larger than it should be angular sizes [5] are so well fit on the old plot is the confirmation of the fact that in reality the light scattering was observed even at Hubble telescope time, it was merely completely wrongly interpreted. In this sense the observations of JWST are completely consistent with Hubble telescope findings, but additional information obtained due to much higher resolution points onto the necessity to carefully re-interpret the old data and theories. Most probably "dark energy" and even "Big Bang" are not real, just the temporal fit of the incomplete data.


1.Josef Vinko, Eniko Regos "SN 2023adsy - a normal Type 1a Supernova at z=2.9, discovered by JWST" // Published in Arxiv, jades_Ia_numbers_30.eps or https://arxiv.org/pdf/2411.10427

2.J.D.R.Pierel at all // Published in Arxiv, 2406.05089 or https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.05089

3.D.S.Tipikin "Tired light hypothesis and "accelerated expansion of Universe"-no need for dark energy"// 

Tipikin: Tired light hypothesis and "accelerated expansion of Universe" - no need for dark energy.


4. D.S.Tipikin "Comparison of angular sizes of two supernovae (one is relatively close and one is relatively far) confirms the fact that James Webb space telescope has a very good resolution and light is scattered indeed for high z objects" //

Tipikin: Comparison of angular sizes of two supernovas (one is relatively close and one is relatively far) confirms the fact that James Webb space telescope has a very good resolution and light is scattered indeed for high z objects


Or on Researchgate and Vixra:

(PDF) Comparison of angular sizes for supernovas at z=0.151 and z=2.9 confirms the great resolution of JWST and confirms the presence of the light scattering. Tired light formula fits the angular size of standard object like supernova surprisingly well on all distances.

2406.0162v1.pdf or https://vixra.org/pdf/2406.0162v1.pdf

5.D.S.Tipikin "Supernovae large angular size due to light scattering for high z is clearly seen at multiple JWST images" //

Tipikin: Supernova's large angular size due to light scattering for high z is clearly seen at multiple JWST images.


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Time-dilation for supernova in the case of tired light hypothesis.


One of the most important confirmation of the Big Bang theory was the discovery of the time broadening of the light curve of the far supernovas (supernovas 1A, standard candles, at the distances around Z=1). From straightforward consideration in the complete absence of light scattering it can not be explained in any other way but by Doppler-like effect which in this case called time dilation and seemingly confirming the Big Bang. However, the hypothesis of tired light [1] also allows the light being diffusion-like scattered on travel from supernova thus allowing change in distance traveled and allowing corresponding time broadening of the light curve (the fastest photons goes straight path, later arrived those which due to multiple scattering – diffusion-like in perpendicular direction – first traveled away from direct line, than returned back, possible many times and thus got a big enough increase in distance to generate perceptible – few days- delays at arrival). Problem with this mechanism is that gives  smaller time delays compare to time dilation directly observed [1]. The gravitational microlensing may be involved  and due to additional change of distance, Shapiro effect and brightening some parts of the image of supernova (3 separate effects)  will make the light curves broader and thus explaining the time dilation observed.


Discovery of the time broadening of the supernova type 1A (standard candle) light curves was instantly interpreted as a proof of the Doppler time dilation (the processes seems slower as a factor 1+z because the objects are moving away faster and faster as they are further from Earth). Indeed, up to z~1 (the best Hubble may do in supernova discoveries) the broadening of the light curve (time dilation) follows this simple law (broadening~1+z) and it was considered as a final confirmation of Big Bang. However, time dilation is also possible in tired light theory (the photons experience diffusion-like process and some will arrive few days later compare to the ones traveled the straight path). The real difference between the time dilation as inferred from Big Bang Theory or from diffusion-like tired light approach will be revealed at z~3 (and supernovas with z~3 are already detected by James Webb Space Telescope, so the complete light curve measurement may be on its way right now). This is because according to Doppler-like time dilation the law 1+z will persist and at z~3 the time dilation would be 4 times compare to z=0 (the light curve width for supernova type 1A must be around 100 days instead of usual 24 days at z=0); while for tired light the effect will be much smaller (light scattering quickly saturates with z [2]) and width should be only ~40-50 days (more than 2 times narrower). The difference between ~100 days and ~40 days is huge and for higher Z it will be even larger – while the supernovas at z~12 in Big Bang cosmology must shine bright around 260 days (more than half a year) the  same supernovas for tired light idea will shine for ~60 days (see how fast the scattering curve saturates in [2]). Obviously if the time dilation will follow 1+z law up to those  high z the Big Bang will be fully confirmed and any tired light hypothesis completely eliminated. Interestingly this observation is due in very close future – JWST is actually observing some supernovas at z=3.8 already [3] and this is only the beginning. But for right now it is necessary to explain how tired light may explain already observed time dilation for supernovas with z~1.

Main part.

               The light curves of the supernovas are measured a lot, but for the further supernovas some unexpected factors may contribute to the width and make the curve broader what looks like time dilation. It may be influence of gravitational lensing on  a scale smaller than generate the resolved multiple images (so called microlensing), with corresponding Shapiro effect and strong influence of the wavelength of the image taking detector since the light curve at one frequency is not the same as light curve for different light color (and red shift at high z makes it even more complex problem, it is necessary to recalculate light curve at different wavelengths back to z=0). It may happened that the time dilation is a result of multiple factors, which working together make the light curve broader than it is.

               At first, the supernovas type 1A are not completely standard. They may be broadly divided into brighter ones and dimmer ones [4]. Because of the range of white dwarfs leading to explosion, some supernovas type 1A are brighter and some are dimmer (but both are type 1A because of spectroscopic features). What is very important for time dilation the brighter supernovas type1A are fading slower (not very much but well resolved by the light curves). Since the brighter supernovas are easier to spot at the high z (for Hubble supernovas at  z=1 are already approaching the limit of detection), the far supernovas have a selection bias toward the broader light curve.

               Another important difference between the  modern model of the light propagation (no light scattering is allowed) and tired light hypothesis is in the way the light propagating from supernova experiences gravitational bending. The real size of supernova type 1A at the moment of the maximum brightness (they usually discovered around this moment)  is relatively small compare to typical interstellar distances (distance Sun to Alpha Centauri is 3.8*10exp(16) meters). The real size of supernova is only 2-3 light days at maximum brightness - something like 3-4.6*10exp(13) meters [3] (just around 50 times larger than the giant red stars with size up to 10exp(12) meters [5]). For this small size the beam without light scattering may be bent by gravitational lensing but as a whole (the right and left parts of the beam are experiencing the same path and the same time delay both Shapiro effect and geometrical).

Due to the presence of microlensing the real image of the supernova at Z=1 and beyond would be consisting of many very small dots (provided the resolution of the telescope is 100 times better than Hubble). This is because the smaller masses (compare to strong gravitational lensing which generates visible Einstein cross) will generate many Einstein crosses but they all blurred together due to lack of the resolution. Interestingly the time dilation may be actually observed even in the case of the absence of light scattering and absence of Big Bang (no Doppler-like effect is necessary) – because the already observed Einstein crosses are demonstrating huge difference in time of arrival of light for 4 different images (up to 180 days) and possibly smaller, hardly resolved Einstein crosses will give the time difference comparable to the observed time broadening of the supernova light curves (if Einstein cross is not resolved, all four images will give actually one but photons from different paths arrive at different time, the observed light curve is actually of sum of 4 light curves time shifted with respect to each other – it will inevitably be time broadened).

               In [6] the excellent example of hardly resolved Einstein cross is shown with lensing galaxy much weaker than the supernova images:

If the resolution of the telescope would be just a little worse, this supernova would looks like one image. But it would be actually consisting of 4 overlapped images with different times of arrival and thus the observed light curve would be much broader than each of the constituents. One of the explanations of the supernovas huge visible angular sizes [7] (up to 6 times larger than diffraction limit of the telescope at z=3 as observed by JWST) which preserves the Big Bang is exactly this one – the real image is merely the superposition of multiple Einstein crosses due to weak gravitational lensing (unresolved because the  resolution of JWST is limited). In this case however the time broadening of light curves (seemingly confirming Big Bang due to Doppler like effect) must be even more pronounced – first because of Doppler effect (proportional to 1+Z) and second due to overlapping of different images which have different paths and Shapiro effects (proportional roughly to sqrt(Z)) – in total the time broadening of light curves would be so big that the supernovas already at z=3-4 would shine for many months. Such enormously large time dilation may be already dismissed – even preliminary images of JWST (for z~3) made with time separation of months are not showing such ultra-persistent supernovas.

               The last effect which may contribute the most (Shapiro effect is of course present but usually considered as being around 10% of the time delay due to elongated path) is the different brightness of the different constituents of unresolved Einstein cross. Indeed, this is easy to see on the picture above – no Einstein cross is ideal, usually one component is very bright and one is very dim. If the Einstein cross is unresolved, this may contribute strongly to the observed time broadening of the supernova making it very broad or very narrow (almost as narrow as without any gravitational lensing effect). It also is different for different wavelengths, making matter even more complicated. The great review on this topic is [8] where the effects of microlensing for supernovas at z~1 were estimated as leading to around 10-14 days difference in time broadening (actually enough to explain the “time dilation” for supernovas even without any Doppler-like effect).

This effect is mainly contributing to big scatter of the observed time dilations and should be averaged on multiple observations of supernovae. Unfortunately to make such a statistics even at z~1 thousands of supernovae are to be recorded with light curves (unbearable task even for Hubble plus Earth based telescopes). And for JWST so far only observations of the supernovae are made (and no reported light curve is measured).  Meanwhile this effect by accident may generate extremely broad in time light curve for supernova, seemingly confirming Big Bang, but in another accident may completely reject Doppler-like effect – the scattering of data may be big. Published data on light curves indeed confirmed the big scattering in observed “time dilations” for supernovae at z~1, but whether it is due to such brightness difference mechanism (of unresolved Einstein crosses) or due to inevitable experimental errors is not clear at this time.


While the initial estimation of the time broadening of the light curve of supernova gave a smaller than necessary value (4.4 days instead of 20 [1]) if other effects are taken into consideration the tired light hypothesis may create big enough value. As it is a typical case in many complex scientific issues, only direct experiment may differentiate the Big Band and Tired Light in the question of “time dilation”. Big Bang and Doppler-like effect must generate at least 1+z time broadening (or may be even larger if microlensing and unresolved Einstein crosses are taken into the consideration), while Tired Light must generate much modest time broadening approximately like sqrt(z) (for more precise formula see [9]). Already for z~3-4 (actual supernovae observed by JWST in 2023-2024) the difference is huge and even with discussed brightness-generated errors should be easy to differentiate. This experiment (direct measurement of light curves for supernovae at z~3-4) may be considered as one of the simplest and possible at the present time (beginning of the 21st century) ways to New Physics (for more proposals see [10-11]).



1.D.S.Tipikin “Tired light hypothesis possibly got confirmation by direct observation of light scattering”

2311.0060v1.pdf (vixra.org)


2. Tipikin: Two galaxies (z=3.4 and z=14.32) are close together on the JWST image - one is sharp, one is blurred. One more direct confirmation of light scattering.


3. Tipikin: Supernova's large angular size due to light scattering for high z is clearly seen at multiple JWST images.


4. Standard-Candle Supernovae are Still Standard, but Why? - Berkeley Lab – Berkeley Lab News Center (lbl.gov)

5. Red giant stars: Facts, definition & the future of the sun | Space

6. A.Goobar, J.Johansson, A. Sagues Carracedo “Strongly lensed supernovae: lessons learned” // Philosophical Transactions A, 2024, 2406.13519, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.13519

7.D.S.Tipikin “Comparison of angular sizes for supernovas at z=0.151 and z=2.9 confirms the great resolution ofJWST and confirms the presence of the light scattering. Tired light formula fits the angular size of standard object like supernova surprisingly well on all distances.” // (PDF) Comparison of angular sizes for supernovas at z=0.151 and z=2.9 confirms the great resolution of JWST and confirms the presence of the light scattering. Tired light formula fits the angular size of standard object like supernova surprisingly well on all distances.

Or on Vixra: 2406.0162v1.pdf  ( https://vixra.org/pdf/2406.0162v1.pdf )

8. Daniel A. Goldstein, Peter E. Nugent, Daniel N. Kasen, Thomas E. Collett “Precise Time Delays from Strongly Gravitationally Lensed Type 1a Supernovae with Chromatically Microlensed Images” // 1708.00003 ( https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.00003 )

9.D.S.Tipikin “Two galaxies (z=3.4 and z=14.32) are close together on the JWST image - one is sharp, one is blurred. One more direct confirmation of light scattering.” – published on Blogspot,

Tipikin: Two galaxies (z=3.4 and z=14.32) are close together on the JWST image - one is sharp, one is blurred. One more direct confirmation of light scattering.


10.D.S.Tipikin “The quest for new physics. An experimentalist approach” //  2011.0172v1.pdf ( https://vixra.org/pdf/2011.0172v1.pdf )

11. D.S.Tipikin  “Thee quest for new physics. An experimentalist approach. Vol.2” // 2212.0058v1.pdf ( https://vixra.org/pdf/2212.0058v1.pdf ).






Thursday, October 24, 2024

Supernova at Z=2.83 - large angular size, smaller objects on the same image, relatively weak to completely exclude detector saturation - one more confirmation of light scattering

 To confirm the presence of the light scattering for the images of supernovas obtained by JWST the image of supernova was taken from [1]:

In this image supernova which must have the angular size comparable to the angular resolution of the telescope is clearly much larger. The possible experimental errors are excluded:

1.There is at least one 2.7 times sharper object on the image - it means that the telescope trembling during accumulation may be excluded - it would blur both objects equally.

2.Sometimes close supernovas are visible as very large dots (and with projectiles like in [2]) because of the extreme brightness: the detector is saturated and because of cross-talk between pixels on the camera the adjacent to saturated pixel other pixels will be bright like registering light (common problem with both CCD and CMOS cameras). Since the supernova is just a little brighter than the surrounding (and much less bright compare to the brightest stars on the image) this possible experimental error is not possible too.

Only new phenomena, light scattering at very high distances may explain this image of supernova at z=2.83 (z is confirmed by spectroscopy in [1])
    In addition to already published images this one again confirms the author point of view that light from the far galaxies and supernovas is scattered, thus removing need for dark energy and Big Bang (and confirming the tired light hypothesis)


1.2406.05076 (arxiv.org)


2.Supernova - Wikipedia

3.2311.0060v1.pdf (vixra.org)


Monday, August 26, 2024

Supernova's large angular size due to light scattering for high z is clearly seen at multiple JWST images.

 Supernovas are excellent source of light for investigation of galaxies far away from Earth as well as the excellent probe to discover new properties of light itself. This is because they are very bright and very standard (even if it is not type 1a standard candle, some properties are quite unique). The real size of supernova may be estimated from the well established fact that the maximum luminocity of it is reached at around 20-30 days after explosion (depending upon supernova type and time dilation at high z). The expelled by the explosion star is expanding at the velocity of around 0.03 speed of light [1] what gives the estimation for the diameter of supernova during the maximum brightness (at that moment they are usually discovered) as around 1.2-1.8 light days (3.1*10exp(13) to 4.6*10exp(13) meters). Despite this is much larger than the diameter of star (for example Sun has a diameter of 1.39*10exp(9) meters) the diameter of supernova is still way too small to be resolved at any distinquishable z  even with the best resolution space telescope. For example for JWST for wavelength of 2 um (F200W camera) the diffraction limit for the diameter of mirror of 6.5 m is 2*10exp(-6)//6.5=5.38*10exp(-7) rad. Supernova will be observed as exactly one dot in diffraction limit starting at distance of L=4.6*10exp(13)/5.38*10exp(-7)=8.6*10exp(19) meters or ~9000 light years (that would be very small z of 6.5*10exp(-7)). 

For already observed supernovas with Z>1 the angular size of it will be much smaller than the resolution of even very futuristic telescope. For example for Z=1 the distance is around 10 billions light years and the resolution necessary is around 5*10exp(-13) radian - 6 orders of magnitude better than JWST. By no means the image of supernova on the photo obtained by space telescope may be larger than exactly one dot in the sense of the diffraction limit of the telescope. The supernova is ultrabright and the angular size of the nearby supernova (like at z=0.004 in [2]) may be looking larger because of the saturation of the detector like in picture in [2] but in this case the obvious mark of saturation is present - the rays due to diffraction like from nearby star on Hubble or JWST. For supernovas at higher z and especially at z>1 the brightness of supernova is hardly enough to be registered (that is why only JWST was able to record multiple supernovas at z higher than 1) and by no means the saturation of the detector can influence the recorded angular size.

In the  following photo taken from [3] several supernovas discovered by JWST are shown.

What makes this image is so special is that on the same image close to supernova at z 2.845 and 3.8 the objects with clearly visible smaller size are present (for z=0.655 the smallest objects are have the size comparable to supernova size). But as it was shown by calculation in the case of the complete absence of light scattering the supernova must have the angular size equals to the diffraction limit of telescope (be of the size of the smallest dot on the picture). The only possibility for telescope to see the larger angular size of the supernova is the presence of the light scattering (so the enlarged angular size of supernova has nothing to do with it's real size, this is property of light itself). The objects of the smaller size are inevitable "trespasses" - much closer objects contaminate the image inevitably, like lone stars somewhere on the outskirts of Milky Way - way too far to be resolved even by JWST they will be observed as real diffraction limit dots. This is because according to tired light hypothesis the light scattering is visible only for high z, at the Milky Way or nearby galaxies it is completely unobservable [4,5].

While for relatively small z 0.655  (see also [5] for image with z=0.151) the size of supernova is well below the size of the center of galaxy (where all the stars are blurred together), for the higher Z images (2.845 and 3.8) the angular size of supernova is just a little smaller than the size of the galaxy center - the real size of the object in the absence of light scattering  would correspond to ~ 1000 light years (instead of ~ 2 light days), yet this is clearly just supernova because the object is not present on the similar photo taken with separation of one year. 

This observation clearly demonstrates that the light itself is responsible for the large angular size of supernovas at high z. The most probably explanation of this behavior is tired light phenomenon with more information outlined in [6].


1.Supernova - Wikipedia

2.NGC 4526 - Wikipedia

3.Three JADES galaxies with supernovae (2023 vs. 2022) | ESA/Webb (esawebb.org)


4.Tipikin: Two galaxies (z=3.4 and z=14.32) are close together on the JWST image - one is sharp, one is blurred. One more direct confirmation of light scattering.

5.Tipikin: Comparison of angular sizes of two supernovas (one is relatively close and one is relatively far) confirms the fact that James Webb space telescope has a very good resolution and light is scattered indeed for high z objects

6.2311.0060v1.pdf (vixra.org)
