In a recent publication [1] the only so far discovered by JWST supernova type 1A at z=2.9 (confirmed by spectroscopy [2]) was successfully plotted on the famous plot magnitude versus red shift, well known from Hubble telescope time and considered as a proof of the discovery of the "dark energy" [3]. The plot is shown below:
The fact that this supernova fits so well the previous plot does not support the idea of "dark energy" or "accelerated expansion of Universe", but instead demonstrates that the original explanation of the deviation from straight line was completely wrong. This is not a space-time problem (the "expansion" rate changes), but much more trivial phenomenon - the light itself is not ideal and for billions of years of propagation (more than 10 billions for z>1) starts to be scattered a little. The visible angular size of the supernova type 1a (very standard one, all the properties are well known) is at least 6 times larger than it should be for point source (see [4]), well above any errors or uncertainties.
Why this is so important is shown below:
The fact that high z supernovae with visibly clearly seen much larger than it should be angular sizes [5] are so well fit on the old plot is the confirmation of the fact that in reality the light scattering was observed even at Hubble telescope time, it was merely completely wrongly interpreted. In this sense the observations of JWST are completely consistent with Hubble telescope findings, but additional information obtained due to much higher resolution points onto the necessity to carefully re-interpret the old data and theories. Most probably "dark energy" and even "Big Bang" are not real, just the temporal fit of the incomplete data.References.
1.Josef Vinko, Eniko Regos "SN 2023adsy - a normal Type 1a Supernova at z=2.9, discovered by JWST" // Published in Arxiv, jades_Ia_numbers_30.eps or
2.J.D.R.Pierel at all // Published in Arxiv, 2406.05089 or
3.D.S.Tipikin "Tired light hypothesis and "accelerated expansion of Universe"-no need for dark energy"//
Tipikin: Tired light hypothesis and "accelerated expansion of Universe" - no need for dark energy.
4. D.S.Tipikin "Comparison of angular sizes of two supernovae (one is relatively close and one is relatively far) confirms the fact that James Webb space telescope has a very good resolution and light is scattered indeed for high z objects" //
Or on Researchgate and Vixra:
2406.0162v1.pdf or
5.D.S.Tipikin "Supernovae large angular size due to light scattering for high z is clearly seen at multiple JWST images" //
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