Thursday, November 21, 2024

DESI and accelerated expansion of Universe - DESI results confirm the absence of accelerated expansion. Explanation - wrong interpretation of the results on supernovae.

     The idea of the absence of the dark energy as it was discovered in the last century using the data on supernovae brightness expressed in previous blogs [1,2] got unexpected confirmation from DESI - big collaborative project targeted the nearby galaxies (up to around z=3) [3]. Despite the author rejection of Big Bang together with "dark energy" being experimentalist I am more concerned in absolute accuracy of the interpretation of the experimental results and the famous Hubble curve which lead to discovery of the dark energy in last century [4] was wrongly interpreted from the very beginning (see [1]).

    Problem with interpretation of the brightness of the supernovae lies in the assumption of the absolute absence of new indiscovered yet properties of photons. In this case indeed the light scattering is absolutely impossible, the image of the far supenovae will be always at the diffraction limit of the telescope and the brightness of the image would be inversely proportional to the distance square. In this case any deviation of the brightness from established laws (dependence magnitude from red shift z) must be interpreted as some problems with space-time (thus the "discovery" of the "accelerated expansion"). But in reality the nature is by far reach than we may imagine, some new properties of photons are present and they lead to light scattering. This light scattering, invisible on Hubble images (resolution is too small) is readily seen by the JWST (much better resolution) and thus it lead to the spread of the circle of the image beyond the diffraction limit (and brightness is dimmer than it should be), see [1,2].

Despite I am personally think that the Big Bang is absent too, the tired light cosmology postulates that the red shift is extremely uniform with distance in the stationary Universe. So no problems with space-time is possible (no accelerated Z-shift in the neighborhood of Earth is possible). If instead of uniformity of expansion it is considered how z-shift behaves with distance I would completely agree with what DESI found - z-shift in far distances and near distances has exactly the same dependence on the distance - no "accelerated expansion of Universe".


1. D.S.Tipikin "Tired light hypothesis and "accelerated expansion of Universe" - no need for dark energy."

Tipikin: May 2024

2.Tipikin: Light scattering observed on supernova type 1A - no "dark energy", the Hubble findings should be re-analysed.



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