Monday, August 5, 2024

Two galaxies (z=3.4 and z=14.32) are close together on the JWST image - one is sharp, one is blurred. One more direct confirmation of light scattering.

 The described in several publications [1-3] light scattering directly observed by JWST must be visible everywhere - in supernova, in far galaxies, in light curves of supernova etc. One problem always remains: the telescope itself. Since the accumulation of image takes a lot of time, the telescope is trembling a little thus creating the inevitable blurring. If one object is close and brighter the accumulation time is obviously smaller compare to far galaxy with Z=13 so the added spread will be smaller and thus the light scattering may be explained as a trivial experimental artifact. The best confirmation of the reality of the light scattering would be the presence of two or more objects on the same image - one is close one is far. The recent discovery of the record breaking galaxy at Z=14.32 gives such an example. 

In this picture taken from [4] the recently discovered galaxy ID 183348 is shown to the right from a galaxy ID 183349 to the left (whiter false colors). Both galaxies have Z determined and galaxy to the left has z=3.4 while the galaxy to the right has a record z=14.32 [5]. The objects accidently are very close to each other on the image while in reality separated by billions of light years. It is clearly seen that the galaxy on the left have more sharper features compare to the galaxy to the right. The center of galaxy is clearly visible as one dot in diffraction limit while the center of galaxy with Z=14.32 obviously spread a lot and the whole galaxy looks very much like galaxies described in [1]. What is very important in this image is that both galaxies are recorded simultaneously and all the possible experimental artifacts are obviously exactly the same (no possible excuse is present that telescope changed resolution from image to image, the blurring of the far galaxy is very obvious). 

    Of course the far galaxy was photographed with different cameras (the longer wavelength the poorer resolution), but it is also possible to have the image from [6] where both galaxies are seen by the F277W camera (monochromatic image).

If both centers of galaxies are considered as point objects due to light scattering, the light scattering for the galaxy 183349 would corresponds to around 0.64*10exp(-7) radian while the center of the second galaxy would have the angular size of approximately 1.2*10exp(-6) radian. Both numbers are higher than the diffraction limit of the  telescope (for wavelength of 2.77 micrometer and mirror diameter of 6.5 it should be λ/D=0.426*10exp(-6) radian) and while trembling of the telescope may indeed make resolution poorer it must do it for both galaxies at the same time, yet closer galaxy obviously demonstrates sharper feature (center of the galaxy) compare to galaxy to the right. The only explanation is light scattering (even if right galaxy is much larger compare to left galaxy, because it is so much further according to z-shift in the absence of the light scattering it must be exactly one diffraction dot - whether 0.426*10exp(-6) radian or 0.64*10exp(-6) radian if telescope is trembling a little for long accumulation). By no means it may have larger angular size like it was found. The correct interpretation would be that galaxy ID 183348 on the right is quasar directed toward the Earth by accident (that is why the galaxy is so bright to be visible at all) and in the complete absence of the light scattering would have the angular size of exactly one dot in diffraction limit. This one is actually a little red dot galaxy, but because of the light scattering presence only looks larger (the record high z value presumes larger light scattering).

If the objects like little red dots, already observed supernovas and galaxies with active galactic nuclei (at high z only center is visible [1]) are all being considered as point-like objects, the dependence of light scattering angle from the z value may be plotted on one graph.

In this plot the curve is created from the formulas outlined in [1]:

Angle=sqrt(N)*α, En/Eo=(1-α)N, α=2.01*10exp(-12)

and the direct dependence of angle from z would be, since En/Eo=1/(1+z)


However, since only 1/3 of all photons are scattered along any given direction (another 1/3 is in the perpendicular direction and another 1/3 is in the direction of light traveling) [this simple approach is for evaluation purpose only, the integration is necessary for more accurate result, similar to molecular physics] the formula should be adjusted for 1/sqrt(3):


And this curve is plotted. Experimental points are scattered a lot but it is visible that the angle of observation of point-like objects grows first quickly than slower as z increases. Approximately this behavior is observed by JWST. As far as exact fit of the light scattering present, it would be necessary to create more advanced theory of the tired light [1-3]


1.D.S.Tipikin "Tired light hypothesis possibly got confirmation by direct observation of light scattering" // 2311.0060v1.pdf ( or 

(PDF) Tired light hypothesis possibly got confirmation by direct observation of light scattering (

2.D.S.Tipikin "Supernova type 1a at z=2.9 image is dramatically changed by light scattering - the third direct confirmation of tired light theory" // 2406.0053v2.pdf ( or

(PDF) Supernova type 1a at z=2.9 demonstrates light scattering directly version 2 (

3.D.S.Tipikin "Comparison of angular sizes for supernovas at z=0.151 and z=2.9 confirms the great resolution of JWST and confirms the presence of the light scattering. Tired light formula fits the angular size of standard object like supernova surprisingly well on all distances" // 2406.0162v1.pdf ( 

(PDF) Comparison of angular sizes for supernovas at z=0.151 and z=2.9 confirms the great resolution of JWST and confirms the presence of the light scattering. Tired light formula fits the angular size of standard object like supernova surprisingly well on all distances. (

4.James Webb discovers record-distant galaxy, again - Cosmic Dawn Center

5.Brant Robertson at all.

[2312.10033] Earliest Galaxies in the JADES Origins Field: Luminosity Function and Cosmic Star-Formation Rate Density 300 Myr after the Big Bang (   

page 16 of the pdf file.

6.Jakob M. Halton at all.

2405.18462 (

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