Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Unification of gravitational and electromagnetic force through quantum vacuum. Modification of Cavendish experiment to observe the influence of quantum vaccum excitation by laser

There is a lot of attempts which were trying to create the complete unified field theory. However, some experiments and observations may help to complete smaller but the most important part - unify gravity with any other fundamental force. The possible way to unify gravity and electromagnetism would be use of idea of common source for both forces - quantum vacuum. Indeed, the idea of the direct influence of the quantum vacuum onto the electromagnetic constants (electric force strength and speed of light) is well established: the virtual pairs of particle-antiparticle (mainly electron-positron) are attenuating the electric field strength (in smaller scale the magnetic field strength) and thus limiting the speed of light. A similar idea about gravity was proposed [1]: a massive pairs particle-gravitational antiparticle in quantum vacuum would be responsible for the main contribution of the gravity strength. However, the charged particles are also having mass and thus more common pairs like positron-electron and proton-antiproton will be influencing the gravity force too. Since the quantum vacuum is the same for both interactions, all of the possible pairs having mass will be responsible for the gravity. But some of such pairs are also having charge. The very strong electric field will be able to polarize the quantum vacuum (electromagnetically responsive part of it), which would influence the speed of light (known phenomenon) and simultaneously the gravitational constant (the phenomenon to be discovered), since any pair which has charge and responded to the electric field has also a mass. In the opposite situation the extremely strong gravitational field excites the quantum vacuum (all of the particles, including those which bear charge) and thus influence the speed of light (this is also known phenomenon - the speed of light is smaller in the vicinity of the star or black hole).
The phenomenon of the influence of the gravity onto the speed of light is well known and usually interpreted as the change of time speed [2]. From quantum vacuum point of view it may be interpreted as the excitation of the quantum vacuum by the strong gravitational field, what leads to the change of the parameters of the electric field constant (permittivity and permeability of free space). Indeed, those parameters are known to be changed in the vicinity of the electron (vacuum screening of electron, see [3], which is a confirmed fact). Why would not strong gravitational field modified the same quantum vacuum in a similar way? All the barionic particles which are responsible for virtual pairs in the quantum vacuum have mass and must respond to the strong gravitational field.
But the gravity is responsible for the presence of space and time in our Universe. As the Universe expands, the gravity potential inside the Universe (away from the black holes and stars) will be smaller and smaller (assuming no new mass is added into the Universe). This will lead to the change of the speed of light (change of both permittivity and permeability of free space) - to the increase of speed of light. This value may be estimated as follows:
Speed of light near the massive ball is (according to Einstein, [2,4]):
here α=(GM)/(r*co*co)
Where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole (star), r is the distance from the center of the star and co is the speed of light away from the gravitating star. The value of gravitational potential is expressed as follows:
Assuming the whole Universe as a ball partially  filled with mass it would be possible to evaluate the speed of light inside such a ball using the formula for calculation of the potential inside the charged ball (the analogy to electrostatic is straightforward). Electric potential inside the uniformly charged ball is [5]:
Here k is electric field constant, R is radius of ball, r is the distance from the center of the ball, Q is total charge of the ball. Correspondingly for the gravitational potential (for simplicity at the center of the Universe):
Here M is the total mass of the Universe (1.5*10exp(53) kg) , R is the total radius of the Universe (4.4*10exp(26) m) and Φ=-6.82*10exp(16) m2/s2 (this parameter is related to the cosmological constant, of course [6]). 
Thus we got an equation for the speed of light in gravitation-free space (virtual place because according to Einstein the space-time itself is created by gravity, no gravity means no space):
Here c is 3*10exp(8) - is the observable speed of light in the present Universe. Solving the quadratic equation, co=4.5*10exp(8) - relatively small change because our Universe is already very inflated. 
Assuming no new mass will appear in the Universe, many billions years from now the speed of light will be a just a little larger (if the inflation of the Universe will not influence other properties of the quantum vacuum, for example the probabilities of the appearance of particle-antiparticle pairs).
The difference between the co and observed c is due to the polarization of the quantum vacuum by the total masses present in the Universe.
In summary, the same quantum vacuum may be polarized by different fields and this influences the corresponding constants for both electric and gravitational force (because we are talking about the same vacuum). This may help to unify the gravity and electromagnetism
 1. Strong gravitational field polarizes the quantum vacuum and changes electric constant (observed through change of speed of light near the star and black hole) [4]
2. Strong electric field changes the permittivity near the charge ( vacuum screening of electron [3])
3.Perturbation of the quantum vacuum by the electric field should influence the gravitational constant (because the same virtual pairs would be responsible for both forces)
This experiment is the most difficult one, because the gravitational force so much smaller. In a simple way it should be strongly electrically charged objects in Cavendish experiment on gravity [7], but since the electric force is so hugely strongly compare to the gravity, the change in gravity will be completely invisible. Fortunately powerful lasers may already create the electric field strong enough to generate electron-positron pairs (breaking the quantum vacuum) are already available [8]. Illumination of the space between the test masses in Cavendish experiment may create the polarization of the quantum vacuum strong enough to be observed through the measurement of the gravitational constant. 
4.In principle the polarization of the quantum vacuum by the strong gravitational field will lead to the different outcome of the Cavendish experiment. This experiment may be performed in the vicinity of Sun or Jupiter and the observed result will be a little different compare to Earth experiment. Such idea may be even closer to the reality because the satellites traveling close to Sun or large planet are already present.
The discoveries of the more elementary particles which would be present as virtual pairs in the quantum vacuum will eventually allow to calculate exactly the strength of electromagnetic constants and gravitational constant from the same principles and general formulas, effectively unifying both fundamental forces [2].


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Inherently quantum phenomena reveal itself in macroscopic world. Idea of correlations instead of science fiction "time line".

Landau-Zener formula manifestation in macroscopic world and impossibility of "time-line".
In deterministic world based on classical mechanics the idea of "time-line" appeared (very popular in science fiction in the sense that it should be preserved). Indeed, the classical mechanics is deterministic. After appearance of quantum mechanics this idea disappeared a instead the idea of multiple worlds appeared. At the present time the idea of quantum Darwinism is popular:
which may seemingly allow to preserve the determinism at least for macroscopic world. Unfortunately some of the inherently probabilistic phenomena, governed by quantum mechanics laws may be traced up to macroscopic world. The easiest example would be the motion of electrostatically charged balls, because the electrostatic force is rather macroscopically significant (the coefficient in Coulomb law is 9*10^9 and the force is acting at long distances compare to the inside the nucleus strong force).  The charge is quantified and even one electron added or subtracted may change the mechanical motion of the macroscopic object and change the history in the most common sense of this world.
Triboelectrization of polymers includes two steps: at the first step the mechanochemical reaction generates free radicals and at the second stage the interaction between the radicals may lead to recombination of them or to the charge transfer between the contacting surfaces [1].
The second step includes the Landau-Zeener process, where the two energy levels quasi-cross each other and as the system moves along the reaction coordinate, the electron may be transferred between the surfaces, thus creating the charge. Landau-Zeener process law is a quantum law and its application will lead to inherently unpredictable charging of the surfaces (mathematically verified stochastic process). For such process the fluctuations are of the value of sqrt(N), where N is the average value of the quantity (like the distance of the travel in the Brownian motion). The most important consequence of Landau-Zeener determined stochasticity is that it has no hidden parameter.
For the relatively weak charge of 1000 electrons the fluctuation would be around 32 electrons. Triboelectrization takes place between the closely placed surfaces, say 3 angstroms apart. In this case the additional electrostatic force due to 32 electrons (this is the unpredictable fluctuation of average charge of 1000 electrons) would be:

here k is coefficient in Coulomb law, q is the charge and r is the distance (say 3 A). Calculations for 32 electrons give force of 2.56*10exp(-6) Newton.
Lets consider lottery where the plastic balls are used with mass of 1 g. The additional acceleration of such ball due to the stochastic electrostatic force would be
a=F/m=2.56*10exp(-3) m/s^2
 Being in contact for 1 second the fluctuation in the velocity would be
v=a*t=2.56*10exp(-3) m/s
For the further flying inside the lottery machine for 30 seconds the distance fluctuation is 0.077 m (around 8 cm). Correspondingly the ball will miss the hole and different winning number will appear.
In addition of demonstration that such lottery machine is stochastic on the deepest level possible (no possibility of pre-calculation of the winning number quaranteed by quantum mechanics) it also means the probabilistic events do not stop on microscopic level - they have the way to reveal itself on the macroscopic level as well. Even idea of quantum Darwinism can not return the predictability in the macroscopic world.
From philosophical point of view it means that determinism is not present in our world - it is inherently stochastic. What is preserved is correlations: even in the fully stochastic world there is the range of fluctuations is limited. The correlations between the different values are measurable in the past and due to the laws of correlation function may be used to predict future. This is used by economists to evaluate numerous trends on the market. For example if the consumption of strawberries is increasing consistently for 50 years, the correlation between grows of population and consumption of strawberries is almost 1. By no means may it be that next year it will drop to zero - the correlation function was very strong for around 50 years and it must be equally strong for approximately next decade or so at least.
From science fiction time travel point of view the travel in the past and back into the present will change nothing - the butterfly effect is forbidden by the laws of quantum mechanics. It means that by traveling to the past, doing nothing (no butterfly) and returning back the completely different future will be found. The deviation will depend upon the correlation functions of the event expected and distance in time. For example by traveling back for 50 years and returning to the present minimum changes are expected - the presidents are different, but for example New York is still the largest city of USA (however, some tallest buildings are looking differently and are in a little different places). Since the correlation function associated with city of New York is measured in centuries, 50 years should not lead to big change. The company lifetime is much shorter, so no Google now (but because the Internet has at least comparable lifetime already it must be present and the similar search engine is here, but with different name) etc.
The deeper into the past the travel, the smaller would be the remnant values of correlation function and more changes are to be expected. Traveling back to dinosaur times will lead to the huge change on the return - may be a different species are now making civilization.
The best representation of such attempts may be sci-fi movie "Sliders".
The main conclusion is that contrary to the believe of the scientists of 19th century more and more evidence tells that the world is probabilistic on the deepest level possible. There is no predictable future, but there is also no past at all. History is only recorded in the books, there is no "time-line" at all. The possibility of prediction and use of numerous laws of physics is that the correlation functions for some of them are equal to 1 with enormous accuracy. For example, motion of planets may be predicted forward for billions of years easier. The mechanical motion of macroscopic objects (what lead to the discovery of the Newtons law and the idea of predictability of the motion of any particles) is also very high and predictable - that is why civilization is possible.
Fortunately for everyday life the quantum stochasticity on the macroscopic level is rear. It is only because the electrostatic force is so strong and charge is quantized it is possible in some situations.


Gravitomagnetic Stern-Gerlach experiment in space using Earth gravitomagnetic field. Importance for the direct measurement of quantum mechanical moment of elementary particles.

It is well accepted that gravitomagnetic field is extremely weak and just recently was measured using satellites. However, one of the problems of the physics - the weakness of the gravitational force - may have the answer connected with the presence of very heavy gravitational-antigravitational pairs of virtual particles in the quantum vacuum [1]. Very much like the electrostatic force is limited by the presence of electron-positron virtual pairs in the quantum vacuum, the gravitational field is so weak because the very massive virtual pairs included antigravitational particle are polarized by the gravity of the tested particle and thus attenuates the force perceptibly [1].
But Higgs boson is not fermion from ordinary spin definition and seemingly should not have any antigravitational counterpart. The hypothesis is the presence of one more quantum number, close to spin but revealed by the mechanical moment decoupled from charge. Indeed, Einstein-De Haas experiment revealed that the reverse of the orbital magnetic moment forces the macroscopic object to rotate, thus connecting directly the mechanical moment and magnetic moment. For the orbital moment this experiment demonstrates full mechanical moment. But situation is not so obvious for spin of elementary particles. There is undoubtedly the mechanical moment coupled with electric charge (or electric current) and the flip of the spin will mean the flip of mechanical moment. However, the uncoupled mechanical moment may be still present. Imagine the fast rotating dielectric ball with superconducting strip on equator. The current in such a superconducting strip will be responsible for the magnetic moment of the object (magnetic spin) and cooper pairs would be responsible for the mechanical moment associated with such a magnetic spin. However, the main mechanical moment may be as large as possible and may have different direction. Flip of the current will reveal in this situation only the coupled part of the mechanical moment while the main moment will stay unnoticed. Only gravitomagnetic field will reveal the total mechanical moment of the elementary particle (for macroscopic object, of course, much simpler experiment will work).
The hope of this idea is that such experiment may reveal another quantum number, second spin, which would mean that the Higgs boson is not real boson, but only partial boson (with respect to magnetic spin) and still may have the gravitational antiparticle, thus explaining the weakness of the gravitational force.
How to measure such a spin? At first it would be necessary to evaluate, whether it is possible to measure the usual spin of say electron using any modern day equipment. The only object generating strong enough gravitomagnetic field would be rotating Earth [2].
The easiest experiment to be done is gravitomagnetic Stern-Gerlach experiment: the spin will exert the force in the gradient of gravitomagnetic field. The gradient of the gravitomagnetic force would be (for Earth):


Here Bg is gravitomagnetic field of the rotation ball (Earth), G is gravitational constant, c is speed of light, r is the distance from the center of the Earth, M is the mass of the Earth (5.97*10exp(24) kg), T is the period of the rotation (1 day or 86400 seconds).
The known mechanical moment of the elementary particle would be spin of electron, which is S=h/(4*pi). Here h is Planks constant and pi is 3.14159.
For the electron traveling in the gravitomagnetic field gradient the force between the spin up and spin down particles would be F=2S*dBg/dr (electron will travel in space away from the Earth). Since the gradient is varying with the distance as 1/r^2 law, instead of integration of the force along the path for crude evaluation the distance r is taken to be 8 thousands kilometers (the experiment starts at 6.3 thousands kilometers and ends at 16.3 thousands kilometers). The force for the electron would be:

F=1*10exp(-55) Newton
For the electron traveling with velocity of 0.1 m/s, the distance is 10000 km (1*10exp(7) meters), the time of travel is 1*10exp(8) seconds (~3 years). Using mass of electron 9.1*10exp(-31) kg and simple formula L=a*t*t/2 the expected separation of the electrons due to ordinary spin at the end of travel would be 5.5*10exp(-10) m (5.5 Angstrom - measurable at modern technology).
More accurate double integration will give the similar result:
Here v is the velocity of the electron, m is the mass of electron, Ro and R1 are distance from the center of the Earth at the start and at the finish, correspondingly. L is 6.9 Angstrom.
The largest problem is here: the electron is subject to the magnetic field of the Earth and will travel in a circle around the Earth magnetic field line. The only way to compensate such rotation is to put the  compensating electric field in the opposite direction during the whole travel of the electron from start to finish. Despite the keeping the whole satellite all the time around the traveling pulse of electrons is an expensive task, it may be done provided the electrons are moving very slow. The electrons and the satellites may, of course rotate around the Earth in the equatorial plane (otherwise such satellite would not work), slowly moving away from the Earth as the bunch of electrons travels away at a speed of 10 cm/s and the separation due to the gravitomagnetic field gradient accumulates.
Another problem would be the presence of the magnetic field gradient (so the classical Stern-Gerlach experiment would be performed in Earth magnetic field gradient). It is possible to carry the compensating magnetic field gradient on the same satellite as well. Actually while the full compensation of the classical Stern-Gerlach splitting would not be possible, the idea here to see the additional splittings in the final picture. The presence of such splittings would mean the presence of one more quantum number - second spin for elementary particles.
Second spin will allow to hypothesize the presence of heavy particle-gravitational antiparticle virtual pairs in the quantum vacuum (like Higgs - antigravitational Higgs pairs proposed in [1]) and explain the gravitational constant in a way similar to the electrostatic one.


Friday, February 28, 2020

Use of modern centrifuges for discovery of gravitational phenomena on quantum level

Modern centrifuges are improved a lot from the last time their record values were published. Magazine "Popular mechanics) back in 1950 (70 years ago) was already mentioning centrifuges with 166000 rotations per second [1]. Assuming the scientific progress continued today they are even faster. Since from equivalence principle of Einstein the accelerated motion of the object (including atom or molecule) is the same as the motion in gravitational field, such ultracentrifuge may be helpful in discovering and verifications of the new quantum phenomena connected with the gravity.
Most theories talking about the gravity on atomic level are mentioning the vicinity of black hole or neutron star, but modern centrifuges may offer the same accelerations on Earth. For example, even biological centrifuges may easily reach 1 millions g (which is enough for separation of any proteins), but they are not intended for physical experiments and probably the specially made centrifuge may go much further.
There are several possible phenomena relevant for such gravitational force.
1.Deviation of slow light.
The hypothesis that the slow light deviates much stronger inside the stars and may thus generate the gravity force in addition to the usual gravity of baryonic matter is expressed in [2]. However, the deviation of the light in the usual gravity is too weak to be measured directly for light in refracting matter (in the vacuum it was measured during Einstein times and is the confirmation of general theory of relativity). Using the same approach as in [2], for the deviation of light in any weak (compare to the inside of the black hole) it is twice as strong as Newton deviation. For example, for the deviation of the light which travels with the velocity of 0.7c (for example, inside the glass) the formula would be as follows.
For the distance of L=1 meter (reasonably long centrifuge) the time of travel would be:
here t is the time of travel, c is speed of light in vacuum.
Deviation in the perpendicular direction (assuming the light is traveling almost along the axis of the rotation, in uniform gravitational field):
S=a*t*t (this would be twice the Newtonian value of a*t*t/2)
The angle would be:
for a equal to 1 million g. The shift for light S is only 2.3 A - too small to be measured easily.
For easy to notice deviation of say 1 mm the velocity of light should be 100000 m/c (or 0.00033*c).
Today the experiments exists for light as slow as 90 m/c [3], so the experiment of observation of slow light will not even need the record centrifuge.
2.Ionization induced by the gravitational field.
In strong enough electric field the tunneling of the electron out of the molecule happened. This called field ionization and usually needs rather high electric field. The observation of the phenomena close to field ionization using the gravitational field may be only possible for the molecules or atoms which are already close to being ionized - excited atoms or molecules, where the electron is in Rydberg state for atoms in vacuum or in Rydberg like state in semiconductors.
Rydberg atoms are capable of detection of the microwaves with frequencies in MHz range already [4](pre-excited by laser atom enters the Rydberg state and gets the final energy from RF quanta). For 100 MHz the energy of quanta is only 4.1*10exp(-7) eV
The idea is that such Rydberg atom being placed in a strong gravitational field (say 10 millions g) will create the potential bending for electron shallow enough to observe the tunneling of electron out of such an atom.
The largest problem to obtain even more excited states Rydberg states is temperature (electron should be on the Rydberg level at least around kT from ionization barrier. For record temperatures achieved on the level of 50 nK that means that the lowest energy detection possible for Rydberg atom hold at this temperature is kT, 6.9*10exp(-31) Joule or 4.3*10exp(-12) eV (assumed it is hold near the thermal bath big enough to absorb the heat created at laser excitation to the Rydberg level)
For the gravitational field of 10 millions g the energy of E=6.9*10exp(-31) J is reached at the distance of:
L=E/F=E/(m*10exp(7)*g)=7.7*10exp(-9) m
So electron should tunnel only 7 nm under barrier to reach the space where it may escape Rydberg atom. This value is a reasonable distance for tunneling of electron (up to 100 Angstroms).
Therefore, such experiment is already at the reach of the modern physics.
The largest problem of the observation of such phenomenon would be the ionization of the material induced by stress (mechanochemistry). Indeed, the gravitational field of 10 millions g is smashing any material very perceptibly. As the huge stress is build inside, the electrons will be emitted merely because near the defects they will be excited enough to leave the material even without help of gravitational pull on the electron itself [6]
Careful choice of materials, long waiting time (conditioning) and modulation of laser beam creating the Rydberg atoms may allow to overcome this problem

1."Merry-go-round of industry"// Popular Mechanics, 1950, January, p. 147
V.A.Zakrevskii "Electron emission during deformation of polymers"

Friday, February 21, 2020

Gravitational Stark effect for Ridberg atom in centrifuge

The possible way for direct observation of the quantum gravitational effects on Earth would be use of principle of equivalence and use of fast rotating centrifuges already available to create the equivalent of strong enough gravitational field.
Back in 1950 Popular mechanics magazine mentioned two commercially available record-setting centrifuges: The Sharples Corporation of Philadelphia manufactured centrifuge with 1.2 millions rotations per minute and Dr Jesse Wakefield Beams, University of Virginia reported about 166000 rotations per second.
The easiest way to observe gravitational Stark effect is to rely upon the gravitational field gradient instead of the gravitational field itself (because due to the equivalence principle both electron and nucleus will be attracted with the same force). The field gradient, however, will create the energy difference for the atom to be observed as line shift. The gradient of the gravitational field in the centrifuge is:
Here r is the distance from the center of the rotation, m is the mass of the object, w is the rotational angular frequency.
From the simple formula for energy in the gradient of the gravitational field:

Here ΔE is the energy difference due to the different gravity for the electron as it rotates around the nucleus - gravitational force is different throughout the atom, ao is the radius of the atom (the radius of Bohr orbit)



here me is the mass of electron,  ν is the rotational frequency expressed in Hz , ao is the radius of the Ridberg atom (around 1 micrometer possible now). Substituting 166000 Hz as the record rotational frequency we have:

ΔE=2*10exp(-30) Joule or 1.24*10exp(-11) eV or in frequency domain the splitting would be 3021 Hz.
Such splitting between lines is possible to record. Assuming the centrifuges improved in the last 70 years the overall experiment seems feasible.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Light trapped in stars enhanced gravity: more hints from triple stars and from star clusters

The idea of the additional strong attraction force due to the light trapped inside the stars [1] should reveal itself in numerous phenomena in addition to dark matter possible explanation. The easiest way to check the hypothesis of non-Keplerian behavior of stars is to repeat Tycho Brahe work for the Milky way center: the accurate mapping of stars orbits is already on its way by Hawaii telescope and will be probably completed in 20-50 years. In addition some hints about such possibility may come from the observations of the discrepancies in stellar dynamics as computed using third Kepler law. One of the hints comes from binaries: the mass-luminosity relation seems to be wrong, actual masses of the bright stars due to the additional gravity-like force from photons should be much higher [2]
Other discrepancies which include the presence of ultra-bright young stars (those stars hypothetically have especially high amounts of trapped light inside and thus are especially strongly underweighted by usual methods). I refer to the so-called super-virial young star clusters. It is  a well established observational fact that the mass evaluation of star cluster from total luminosity and from virial theorem gives for young star clusters (full of young bright stars) the difference in 10 times. From virial theorem mass for young cluster is 10 times more compare to mass from luminosity (for old clusters, which have only old stars the masses are exactly the same) [3]. While those facts may be explained using some assumptions like binaries higher content, the explanation based on the underestimation of the effective "mass" of bright and ultra-bright stars using mass-luminosity ratio will be simpler and consistent with other facts. Indeed the young cluster is full of young short-lived stars where the amount of light trapped inside is especially high (thus making them especially "heavy"). Using the modern mass-luminosity the smaller mass is obtained. At the same time the virial distribution is created by the real forces, which are much stronger for bright stars and thus correspond to much higher spread of velocities (velocity dispersion). 10 times difference is a huge discrepancy and should be taken into the consideration. At the same time the old cluster have no or little amount of young stars (they all gone), only weak stars are left with much smaller amount of trapped light thus making such cluster closer to non-luminous objects (pure baryonic matter like planets) with more correct evaluation of mass using mass-luminosity relation.
The other hint for the problem with Keplerian mass determination comes from triple stars. Algol triple system is a close one and well investigated [4]. The problem with the mass and luminosity of Algol Aa2 star, which is close to bright main star Aa1. Because the stars may be resolved completely, the masses of them all were determined using the Kepler law and relative velocities measurements [5]. The absolute luminosity is also easy to measure. Spectral type of all three stars is confirmed after resolution of internal binary. The results gives for Aa2 star the spectral type of K0IV (whish should have luminosity of 10-42% of solar and mass below solar mass) the mass of 0.7 of solar and luminosity of 7 Suns, what is way too much for such type of the star.
However, since this star is a binary with especially bright star Aa1 (182 Suns) the additional gravitation-like force should be especially high. It means that the real masses of all three stars are much higher. For the internal pair Aa1 and Aa2 the real sum of mass is more underestimated than for the second pair (Aa1+Aa2 and Ab), because for the second pair the luminosity-related "gravity" is diluted by the presence of weak star Aa2 (the sum of bright and dim star will looks like more baryonic component). Then the masses of Aa1 and Aa2 will grow higher (say 2 times higher) compare to mass of Ab star (say 1,5 times larger), which will bring mass of Aa2 to the normal level comparable with luminosity while shifting the Ab star toward the more correct position on the mass-luminosity curve, but not throwing it off.
Modern explanation of the Algol star Aa2 as being stripped of matter due to direct mass transfer to Aa1 (too close pair) will not allow easy explanation why it is so luminous (the measurements are especially easy because all three stars may be considered as being at the same distance from Earth with high enough accuracy), and the relative measurements of luminosity should not be a problem.
Taken together, those discrepancies (mass-luminosity curve from binaries [2], supervirial young clusters and triple stars like Algol) are additional hints toward the inconsistency of present understanding of stars mass origin and to the absence of dark matter.


Friday, December 20, 2019

Quantum vacuum application to gravity: the Higgs boson antigravitational particle predicted

Recent discovery of Higgs boson which has a relation to gravity but should be the boson particle with respect to the statistic poses some problems with gravitational constant origin and strength. Since boson is the antiparticle to itself, it may be created from the vacuum without any pair and since it may condense into the lowest state, the increased fluctuations of quantum vacuum near any particle will grow the final mass to infinity.
Fluctuations of quantum vacuum long ago were used to explain the origin of speed of light [1]. For the attenuation of the electric field near the charge the use of virtual dipoles from vacuum is relatively straightforward: the particle-antiparticle pair composed of fermions, which can not occupy the same state and thus can not accumulate near the charge up to infinite amounts, completely eliminating the electric field. Unfortunately, application of the same idea to the gravity fails simply because any particle has a mass and they all attract to the initial mass. While the usual particles like protons, neutrons, electrons etc will be attracted to the particle but being fermions can not accumulate infinitely, the Higgs boson can. It means that the virtual Higgs bosons will be clumping to any mass to infinity, creating infinitely heavy condensate, thus making the gravity impossible.
The plausible explanation is given in [2]: similar to the particle-antiparticle dualism, there are virtual gravitational dipoles formed by pairs matter- antigravitational matter (the mass being considered as independent quantum number, the whole set of antigravity particles should exist for both particles and antiparticles, effectively doubling the number of existing particles).
Those gravitational dipoles are formed by the particles, which may be bosons with respect to usual matter-antimatter relations but not with respect to gravity. Similar to the creation of the electron-positron pair in the intense electric field, those virtual dipoles will create pair particle - gravitational antiparticle in strong enough gravitational field (inside the dark hole, according to [2]).
Fortunately, antiparticles are formed not only in electric field, but also in any interactions of highly accelerated particles (that is how antiprotons are manufactured and separated by the electric and magnetic field). In a similar way the antigravitational particles should be formed (and may be already produced from time to time, but since the gravity is so much weaker compare to electric force, the usual separation methods in accelerators will render them unnoticed).
Using the formula derived for electric permittivity of vacuum from [1] it is even possible to estimate the mass of one component of such virtual dipole
here εo - is the vacuum permittivity, e is the charge of electron, h is Planks constant, c is speed of light and Kw - is the coefficient received after the summation of all the possible fermion pairs in the vacuum near the charge.  
The gravitational constant being considered similar to Coulomb constant for vacuum permittivity:
k=1/(4*π*εo ), that is εo =1/(4π*k), where k=9*10exp(9) is Coulomb constant,
The equation would be (mass is instead of charge and gravitational constant instead of Coulomb constant):
where G is gravitational constant and m is the mass of the particle- gravitational antiparticle pair.
Using value of 32 for Kw- the constant calculated in [1] the value of mass is 1.84*10exp(-9) kg or 166 GeV
Assuming the evaluations are very approximate, the only close in energy particle is Higgs boson (125 GeV).
Thus it is possible to predict that during the Higgs boson production at CERN, from time to time the antigravitational Higgs boson will be generated (like in the case with antiparticles, it will have the same mass, but of the opposite sign). It may be easily distinguished because the decay path of it will include antigravitational particles instead of normal particles and antiparticles, which would move differently at decay. The Higgs boson and antigravitational Higgs boson will be born in pairs, of course, so the total energy would be 250 GeV, but this is still well below the possible energy of BAC, which is 14 TeV.
Being discovered, such antigravitational particle would allow to justify the quantum vacuum virtual particles approach to the gravitational constant value calculations (combining approaches of [1] and [2])  thus effectively unifying electricity and gravity on the basis of quantum vacuum properties.
