Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Unification of gravitational and electromagnetic force through quantum vacuum. Modification of Cavendish experiment to observe the influence of quantum vaccum excitation by laser

There is a lot of attempts which were trying to create the complete unified field theory. However, some experiments and observations may help to complete smaller but the most important part - unify gravity with any other fundamental force. The possible way to unify gravity and electromagnetism would be use of idea of common source for both forces - quantum vacuum. Indeed, the idea of the direct influence of the quantum vacuum onto the electromagnetic constants (electric force strength and speed of light) is well established: the virtual pairs of particle-antiparticle (mainly electron-positron) are attenuating the electric field strength (in smaller scale the magnetic field strength) and thus limiting the speed of light. A similar idea about gravity was proposed [1]: a massive pairs particle-gravitational antiparticle in quantum vacuum would be responsible for the main contribution of the gravity strength. However, the charged particles are also having mass and thus more common pairs like positron-electron and proton-antiproton will be influencing the gravity force too. Since the quantum vacuum is the same for both interactions, all of the possible pairs having mass will be responsible for the gravity. But some of such pairs are also having charge. The very strong electric field will be able to polarize the quantum vacuum (electromagnetically responsive part of it), which would influence the speed of light (known phenomenon) and simultaneously the gravitational constant (the phenomenon to be discovered), since any pair which has charge and responded to the electric field has also a mass. In the opposite situation the extremely strong gravitational field excites the quantum vacuum (all of the particles, including those which bear charge) and thus influence the speed of light (this is also known phenomenon - the speed of light is smaller in the vicinity of the star or black hole).
The phenomenon of the influence of the gravity onto the speed of light is well known and usually interpreted as the change of time speed [2]. From quantum vacuum point of view it may be interpreted as the excitation of the quantum vacuum by the strong gravitational field, what leads to the change of the parameters of the electric field constant (permittivity and permeability of free space). Indeed, those parameters are known to be changed in the vicinity of the electron (vacuum screening of electron, see [3], which is a confirmed fact). Why would not strong gravitational field modified the same quantum vacuum in a similar way? All the barionic particles which are responsible for virtual pairs in the quantum vacuum have mass and must respond to the strong gravitational field.
But the gravity is responsible for the presence of space and time in our Universe. As the Universe expands, the gravity potential inside the Universe (away from the black holes and stars) will be smaller and smaller (assuming no new mass is added into the Universe). This will lead to the change of the speed of light (change of both permittivity and permeability of free space) - to the increase of speed of light. This value may be estimated as follows:
Speed of light near the massive ball is (according to Einstein, [2,4]):
here α=(GM)/(r*co*co)
Where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole (star), r is the distance from the center of the star and co is the speed of light away from the gravitating star. The value of gravitational potential is expressed as follows:
Assuming the whole Universe as a ball partially  filled with mass it would be possible to evaluate the speed of light inside such a ball using the formula for calculation of the potential inside the charged ball (the analogy to electrostatic is straightforward). Electric potential inside the uniformly charged ball is [5]:
Here k is electric field constant, R is radius of ball, r is the distance from the center of the ball, Q is total charge of the ball. Correspondingly for the gravitational potential (for simplicity at the center of the Universe):
Here M is the total mass of the Universe (1.5*10exp(53) kg) , R is the total radius of the Universe (4.4*10exp(26) m) and Φ=-6.82*10exp(16) m2/s2 (this parameter is related to the cosmological constant, of course [6]). 
Thus we got an equation for the speed of light in gravitation-free space (virtual place because according to Einstein the space-time itself is created by gravity, no gravity means no space):
Here c is 3*10exp(8) - is the observable speed of light in the present Universe. Solving the quadratic equation, co=4.5*10exp(8) - relatively small change because our Universe is already very inflated. 
Assuming no new mass will appear in the Universe, many billions years from now the speed of light will be a just a little larger (if the inflation of the Universe will not influence other properties of the quantum vacuum, for example the probabilities of the appearance of particle-antiparticle pairs).
The difference between the co and observed c is due to the polarization of the quantum vacuum by the total masses present in the Universe.
In summary, the same quantum vacuum may be polarized by different fields and this influences the corresponding constants for both electric and gravitational force (because we are talking about the same vacuum). This may help to unify the gravity and electromagnetism
 1. Strong gravitational field polarizes the quantum vacuum and changes electric constant (observed through change of speed of light near the star and black hole) [4]
2. Strong electric field changes the permittivity near the charge ( vacuum screening of electron [3])
3.Perturbation of the quantum vacuum by the electric field should influence the gravitational constant (because the same virtual pairs would be responsible for both forces)
This experiment is the most difficult one, because the gravitational force so much smaller. In a simple way it should be strongly electrically charged objects in Cavendish experiment on gravity [7], but since the electric force is so hugely strongly compare to the gravity, the change in gravity will be completely invisible. Fortunately powerful lasers may already create the electric field strong enough to generate electron-positron pairs (breaking the quantum vacuum) are already available [8]. Illumination of the space between the test masses in Cavendish experiment may create the polarization of the quantum vacuum strong enough to be observed through the measurement of the gravitational constant. 
4.In principle the polarization of the quantum vacuum by the strong gravitational field will lead to the different outcome of the Cavendish experiment. This experiment may be performed in the vicinity of Sun or Jupiter and the observed result will be a little different compare to Earth experiment. Such idea may be even closer to the reality because the satellites traveling close to Sun or large planet are already present.
The discoveries of the more elementary particles which would be present as virtual pairs in the quantum vacuum will eventually allow to calculate exactly the strength of electromagnetic constants and gravitational constant from the same principles and general formulas, effectively unifying both fundamental forces [2].


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