Friday, December 20, 2019

Quantum vacuum application to gravity: the Higgs boson antigravitational particle predicted

Recent discovery of Higgs boson which has a relation to gravity but should be the boson particle with respect to the statistic poses some problems with gravitational constant origin and strength. Since boson is the antiparticle to itself, it may be created from the vacuum without any pair and since it may condense into the lowest state, the increased fluctuations of quantum vacuum near any particle will grow the final mass to infinity.
Fluctuations of quantum vacuum long ago were used to explain the origin of speed of light [1]. For the attenuation of the electric field near the charge the use of virtual dipoles from vacuum is relatively straightforward: the particle-antiparticle pair composed of fermions, which can not occupy the same state and thus can not accumulate near the charge up to infinite amounts, completely eliminating the electric field. Unfortunately, application of the same idea to the gravity fails simply because any particle has a mass and they all attract to the initial mass. While the usual particles like protons, neutrons, electrons etc will be attracted to the particle but being fermions can not accumulate infinitely, the Higgs boson can. It means that the virtual Higgs bosons will be clumping to any mass to infinity, creating infinitely heavy condensate, thus making the gravity impossible.
The plausible explanation is given in [2]: similar to the particle-antiparticle dualism, there are virtual gravitational dipoles formed by pairs matter- antigravitational matter (the mass being considered as independent quantum number, the whole set of antigravity particles should exist for both particles and antiparticles, effectively doubling the number of existing particles).
Those gravitational dipoles are formed by the particles, which may be bosons with respect to usual matter-antimatter relations but not with respect to gravity. Similar to the creation of the electron-positron pair in the intense electric field, those virtual dipoles will create pair particle - gravitational antiparticle in strong enough gravitational field (inside the dark hole, according to [2]).
Fortunately, antiparticles are formed not only in electric field, but also in any interactions of highly accelerated particles (that is how antiprotons are manufactured and separated by the electric and magnetic field). In a similar way the antigravitational particles should be formed (and may be already produced from time to time, but since the gravity is so much weaker compare to electric force, the usual separation methods in accelerators will render them unnoticed).
Using the formula derived for electric permittivity of vacuum from [1] it is even possible to estimate the mass of one component of such virtual dipole
here εo - is the vacuum permittivity, e is the charge of electron, h is Planks constant, c is speed of light and Kw - is the coefficient received after the summation of all the possible fermion pairs in the vacuum near the charge.  
The gravitational constant being considered similar to Coulomb constant for vacuum permittivity:
k=1/(4*π*εo ), that is εo =1/(4π*k), where k=9*10exp(9) is Coulomb constant,
The equation would be (mass is instead of charge and gravitational constant instead of Coulomb constant):
where G is gravitational constant and m is the mass of the particle- gravitational antiparticle pair.
Using value of 32 for Kw- the constant calculated in [1] the value of mass is 1.84*10exp(-9) kg or 166 GeV
Assuming the evaluations are very approximate, the only close in energy particle is Higgs boson (125 GeV).
Thus it is possible to predict that during the Higgs boson production at CERN, from time to time the antigravitational Higgs boson will be generated (like in the case with antiparticles, it will have the same mass, but of the opposite sign). It may be easily distinguished because the decay path of it will include antigravitational particles instead of normal particles and antiparticles, which would move differently at decay. The Higgs boson and antigravitational Higgs boson will be born in pairs, of course, so the total energy would be 250 GeV, but this is still well below the possible energy of BAC, which is 14 TeV.
Being discovered, such antigravitational particle would allow to justify the quantum vacuum virtual particles approach to the gravitational constant value calculations (combining approaches of [1] and [2])  thus effectively unifying electricity and gravity on the basis of quantum vacuum properties.


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