Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Supernova mechanism of transfer of thermonuclear energy into the energy of accelerated rotation in galaxy. Violation of weak equivalence principle for the supernova remnants.

In addition to the mechanisms responsible for transformation of the thermonuclear energy into the energy of the rotation of the stars in galaxy [1-4] another important mechanism would be the supernova explosion (and, to the lesser degree, nova explosions and other types of star explosion). The overall idea is that during such event a lot of energy is transformed into the light, neutrinos and ultra-relativistic matter like cosmic rays. All of them will be moving with speed of light and have twice the cold barionic matter gravitational pull [1,5]. 
Indeed, the total energy release of supernova would be 2*10exp(44) Joules. The remnants of the star will be moving away with the velocity of 20000 km/h (5.6*10exp(3) m/s). Assuming the shed mass is equal to 10 masses of Sun, which would be 2*10exp(31) kg, it means that the energy stuck in relatively cold barionic matter is only 6.3*10exp(38) Joules, and the rest of the released energy would be in light, neutrinos, cosmic rays and other ultra-relativistic matter. The associated inertial mass would be (from 

E=mc2 formula) equal to 2*10exp(27) kg. This effective mass will be gravitating twice as strong as cold barionic matter. Age of Milky way is 13.51 billions of years and supernova comes every 30 years, thus making the total number of supernovas equal to 4.5*10exp(8). The total inertial mass of created ultra-relativistic particles (light and neutrinos and cosmic rays combined) would be 9*10exp(35) kg. The total mass of stars in Milky way is 50 billions  Suns [6] (dark matter excluded) and total inertial mass thus estimated is 10exp(41) kg.

The ratio of the double gravitating matter created by supernovas to the total mass of the stars is not high - only 10exp(-6). However, evaluation of this amount may change a lot if other explosions are taken into the consideration. For example nova explosions take place 2500 more frequently compare to the supernova. If the similar release of ultra-relativistic particles takes place this means up to 0.25% of doubly gravitating matter was created during the Milky Way lifetime. 

From different ideas of the presence of the violating weak equivalence principle matter (light inside the stars, ultra-relativistic matter inside the stars, formation of ultra-relativistic matter during violent explosion of the stars) it seems that the accelerated rotation of galaxies (dark matter problem) may be solved rather by accurate accounting for all those small contributions, rather than by postulating of the predominant presence of invisible interacting only gravitationally particles.

1. http://tipikin.blogspot.com/2019/10/stars-are-full-of-trapped-light-may.html
2. http://tipikin.blogspot.com/2019/12/light-matter-attraction-as-driving.html
3. http://tipikin.blogspot.com/2019/09/accelerated-rotation-of-star-because-of.html
4. http://tipikin.blogspot.com/2020/06/gravitation-of-ultra-relativistic.html
5.  D.Fargion "Deflection of Massive Neutrinos by Gravitational Fields" // Lettere al Nouvo Cimento, Vol.31, No 2, 1981
6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way

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