Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quantization of the gravitational dipole

At the present time gravity is considered by many scientists as the under-investigated  force of nature due to  its weakness. It is interesting to investigate the hypothetical possibility of the associated with the mass of the elementary particle gravitational dipole. That would be analogous to electric dipole for the electric field and it would reflect the non-uniform distribution of the mass inside the elementary particle.
Since all the physical values which have the dimensions of energy*time (J*s) are quantized (the Plank constant), it would be interesting to see, what physical values may be quantized, too. For example, production m*v*r (mass*velocity*radius is quantized and this is orbital moment). Investigation of quantization of this moment lead to all modern quantum mechanics, started by Niels Bohr. However, the same production may be considered as production of m*r (gravitational dipole, similar to electric dipole  q*r - charge times distance) and velocity v of the particle.
Following Niels Bohr steps, it is possible to suppose that such value is quantized too:
here h is Plank's constant.
It may be rewritten as follows:
Since h/(m*v) is the de Broglie wavelength λ
It means that the mass of the particle is "spread" in the space as de Broglie wavelength. Here n is the number 1,2,3,4...
The most important consequence of the hypothesis - the gravitational dipole moment is not equal to zero! This is a conclusion similar to de Broglie wavelength - it must exist, due to quantum mechanics the particle can not be represented as a point, therefore the dipole moment can not be zero under any circumstances.
Lets estimate the additional gravitational force due to the gravitational dipole moment of the particle. Lets consider the ball with mass M as the second body (the first body has mass m). The gravitational dipole force between the dipole and spherical mass M is:
here Fd is the force acting onto the dipole m*r, grad(Eg) is the gradient of the gravitational field, what is equal for the spherical mass to:
Here G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the second body, R is the distance between the centers of the attracting masses. Then the gravitational dipole force may be written as:
Here Fg is the classical gravitational force between two spherical masses separated by distance R between centers. For the multiple harmonics of the gravitational dipole  force (n>1) and for very slow electron (de Broglie wavelength is high) it may be comparable with gravitational force and measurable relatively easily - the electrons will be split into several beams. The gravitational force is not quantizied and the same for all electrons, but the dipole gravitational forced is different depending upon n.  
Here comes the different problem discussed in another blog - de Broglie wavelength is unique and not quantizied according to Bohr rule. It may happened that there is no "excited" states for gravitational dipole, only the lowest state exist (n=1).
For the ultraslow electron with the temperature of 1 micro-Kelvin (reachable now in some experiments) the velocity of electron would be 6.7 m/s and de Broglie wavelength is 0.1 mm. For the second body with radius of 0.1 m the ratio of dipole gravitational force to gravitational force is 2*0.0001/0.1=0.002.
The accuracy of the direct measurements of gravitational force today (Kavendish experiment) is much higher than 0.2%, thus making such measurements quite possible. 
Additional alleviation may be from the shape of the second mass - the gradient of the gravitational force, similar to the gradient of the electric field, will be much stronger near the sharp edges, so the manipulation with different shapes of the second body with mass M will allow to amplify the gravitational dipole force while keeping the classical gravitational force the same.

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