As it was shown in [1] the blurred images of the far
galaxies (for z well above 10) confirmed the presence of the undiscovered yet
mechanism of light scattering and makes strong hint toward the tired light
theory instead of Big Bang. The idea was applied to the more close and well
researched objects like supernovas with similar success [2,3]. In this
publication I compare the angle size of two supernovas (one is close, one is
relatively far) to demonstrate that light scattering is not due to telescope itself
(the close supernova has a size close to the diffraction limit, as expected)
but due to the presence of the light scattering very slowly accumulated as
light propagates toward Earth and finally directly observed (the far supernova
has the angle size many times the diffraction limit, what means that telescope
has a great resolution power and the effect of light scattering is real).
Fitting with the simple formula outlined in [1] gives surprisingly good
accuracy for both cases.
The problems Big Bang encountered after launch of JWST are
so numerous now, that the search for the alternative theory is underway. The
most researched competitor is tired light theory, which is modified for the
case of very small interactions in [1] (so billions and trillions of small
scattering events are necessary to have observable change in position of
spectra). In [1] formulas are derived for the angular size of scattered light
and red shift as a function of z observed. In [2,3] this approximation is applied
for the much more standard object like supernova type 1a and again the direct
observation of the light scattering is confirmed. In this publication the
comparison of close and far supernovas is made to eliminate the possibility of
the experimental error (telescope is not as good as expected and light
scattering is not real, but rather the experimental artifact).
Main part.
In [4]
the observation of the supernova for the small z is published with excellent
It is easy to measure the angular size of the supernova at
z=0.151 reported in [4] since the ruler is placed directly on the image: for
JWST camera F200W (center wavelength is 2 um [5]) the angle is 0.111”
(arcseconds) or 5.38*10exp(-7) rad. Evaluation of the diffraction limit of the
James Webb Space Telescope is according to famous formular resolution=λ/D,
where λ is the wavelength of the observation (in our case 2 um) and D is the
diameter of the main mirror of the telescope (in our case 6.5 m). According to
this formula the resolution would be 2*10exp(-6)/6.5=3*10exp(-7). Indeed the
size of supernova is close to the diffraction limit as it is mentioned in [4]
(“a clear point source is detected at the location of GRB 221009A”).
of the angular size of the object using the formulas from [1] gives:
Angle=sqrt(N)*α, En/Eo=(1-α)N,
Here N is number of scatterings for tired light hypothesis
(extremely big number), α is the parameter of relative energy loss at each
event (usual for tired light hypothesis formula ΔE/E=-α*E is used), En is the
energy of photon after N scattering, Eo is the initial energy of
photon just emitted, and Angle is mean deviation of the angle of the
light propagation due to scattering (diffusion-like approach in the
perpendicular to light propagation direction and ideal chain approximation are
used, see [1]).
Calculations for z=0.151 yield:
En/Eo=1/(1+z), N*ln(1-α)=ln(1/1.151),
Which is in surprisingly excellent agreement with the
measured value of 5.38*10exp(-7) – this is of course by pure accident because
the values are so close to the diffraction limit. Yet it emphasizes the simple
fact – JWST is well tuned and delivers images with the resolution exactly as
expected, no bad experimental problems here.
As far
as second supernova at z=2.9 is concerned the image was published in [6]:
The visible diameter of the
supernova type 1a is around 0.35 arcsecond, which would correspond to 1.70*10exp(-6)
rad, that is around 5.7 times higher than the diffraction limit (note, that the
same camera F200W is used in both cases, so the comparison is fair). The same
calculations as above yield:
1/(1+z)=(1-α)N, α=2*10exp(-12) from [1]
for z=2.9 we have: N=0.68*10exp(12)
Which is very close to the calculated angle of scattering of
1.7*10exp(-6) and much higher than it should be from diffraction limit
perspective (well above any possible error).
No physical mechanism may be responsible for supernova having so big real size (size of small, not dwarf, galaxy [3]). Only light scattering may be responsible, the property of the information carrier itself, not the object under investigation. On the opposite, the further the supernova, the smaller the angular size it should have (and because of the diffraction limit of the telescope, all supernovas except for very close with z~0 must be presented exactly by one dot in diffraction sense). Any observed resolution means the light scattering is present which in turn means that the Big Bang theory should be re-analyzed again -so great would be the tired light hypothesis fitting numerous observation data.
In addition to the blurred images of far galaxies the
observation of the supernovas (well researched object with many standard
features present) confirms once again the tired light hypothesis (great
accuracy of the fit of the experimentally observed angle size is achieved) and
disproves Big Bang Theory.
1. D.S.Tipikin “Tired light hypothesis possibly got
confirmation by direct observation of light scattering.” // 2311.0060v1.pdf
2. D.S.Tipikin Tired Light
Hypothesis Got Second Direct Confirmation from Supernova Light Curve, viXra.org
e-Print archive, viXra:2405.0154
3. D.S.Tipikin “Supernova type 1a at z=2.9 image is
dramatically changed by light scattering – the third direct confirmation of
tired light theory.”
4.Peter K. Blanchard et all “JWST detection of a supernova
associated with GRB 221009A without an r-process signature”// Nature Astronomy,
Volume 8 , June 2024, p.p. 774–785.
5. NIRCam Filters - JWST User Documentation (stsci.edu)
6. J.D.R.Pierel at all “Discovery of An Apparent Red,
High-Velocity Type Ia Supernova at z = 2.9 with JWST” // 2406.05089 (arxiv.org)