Thursday, February 17, 2022

How repelling of the gravity-antigravity particles may explain the gravity enhancement by the usual barionic matter.

In the classical electrodynamics the electric field generated by the charges is from positive to negative charge. Two positive charges repel each other and positive and negative charges attract each other. The dipole may be considered as close placed positive and negative charges. In this case in the case of the presence of the dipole particles near the electric charge the direction of the dipole is as shown in the picture below:

This is because the negatively charged part of dipole attracts to the positive charge and positively charged part of the dipole repelled by the main positive charge. In this case the electric field of dipole (still directed from positive to negative charge) is against the electric field of the main charge. This is a well known phenomenon and because of it the virtual dipoles created in the quantum vacuum are weakening the electric field and making the speed of light finite despite very large. Because of the same phenomena in the presence of any matter the electric field is weakened by the dipoles leading to the famous parameter of the dielectric constant in Coulomb law: 


Here E is electric field due to charge q, r is the distance from charge to the point of measurement, εo

is the dielectric permitivity of vacuum and ε is the dielectric constant.

Numerous attempts were given to invent the antigravitational particles and second spin (see the same blog of Tipikin, earlier publications) assuming the antigravitation will behave in exactly the same way as electrostatic - similar charges repel each other while the positive and negative attract each other. But it may happened that the situation is not completely symmetric - while the second spin is present and gravity is governed not by bosonic particles like Higgs, but rather in a way similar to electricity, the similar particles are attract each other while the gravitational and antigravitational repel each other. In this case the situation near the gravitational field in the presence of the dipole is different

The gravitational field in the presence of the gravitational dipoles is enhanced.

While it means that the gravitational dipole is very unstable and may be not easily detected, the virtual dipole in quantum vacuum still should be present (since it will decay back instantly before the Heisenberg uncertainty time is up). It means that in the presence of the strong gravitating body the polarization of quantum vacuum will enhance the gravity between two bodies, not weaken it as in the case of the electrostatics. In this case the effect observed for binary stars - the gravity seems enhanced when the stars are close to each other (the concentration of ordinary barionic matter is higher locally) compare to when stars are away from other (local concentration is smaller) [1].

This idea is also explains where is the antigravitational matter - even if it is created accidently in the colliding beams, it is instantly pushed away from Earth and out of this Universe (may be condensing somewhere in another Universe just near our own).


1.D.S.Tipikin "Analysis of slope of mass-luminosity curves for different subsets of binaries - dark matter, MOND or something else governs the accelerated rotation of galaxies?"