Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The book "The quest for new physics. An experimentalist approach" is finally available in paper format on

 The book in paper format may be bought here:

THE QUEST FOR NEW PHYSICS An experimentalist approach, 978-620-4-73173-5, 6204731734 ,9786204731735 by Dmitriy Tipikin (

Why this book was written? This is the experimentalist response to the crisis in fundamental physics: there are hundreds of the theories but they are still based on few core assumptions: principle of relativity, energy conservation law, observation of red shift, particle-wave dualism and many others. Even if the experiment is planned, it is based on three weak paradigms: Big Bang, dark matter and quantum entanglement.

Authors consider all three of them as obsoleted and standing in front of physics development. The book is devoted to the description of the ideas of experiments (not theories) which would create new facts and help establish finally New Physics (beyond general relativity, standard theory, modern quantum mechanics). James Webb space telescope is about to be launched and in one year it is supposed to show the blue bright first galaxies 16 billions light away with darkness below (because of Big Bang happened 16-17 billions years ago) or see nothing special: the same old galaxies with huge red shift up to James Webb limits (say 50 billions of years). No darkness, no just born stars, the same universe like near Sun but seemingly infinite. My guess that like futile search for dark matter that would be the place and suddenly all the house of cards: Big Bang, dark matter and quantum entanglement is falling down. 

But what is instead? What was missed 100 years ago why the physics is in crisis now? From author perspective much simpler objects were severely under-investigated: simple binary stars instead of galaxies will reveal the true nature of gravity on long scales (this is neither dark matter no MOND but distortion of quantum vacuum or space-time itself); the idea of tired light being resurrected but on a new physical principles: some weak but existing interaction makes the light redder and redder as it travels billions of years; the idea of spooky action will be found to be a simple experimental error (to the benefit of Einstein and Feynman); the necessity of careful and extremely expensive experiments with pulsed gravitational field will be clear (thus the author's proposal for gravito-electromagnetic national laboratory) and many other ideas of experiment in the fundamental physics.